Life in the Mom Lane...

I am just an oridinary average Mom living in Indiana with my amazing daughter, Kayla.

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Wonder of Words

Kayla is a sponge. She is learning at an incredible rate. I can hardly believe her retention! She loves doing any games or activities that involve learning and words.

Her favorite game right now is Memory. We don't do matching. Instead, she turns one card over at a time and says the name of whatever is on the card. She LOVES it!!! When we are done, she yells, "Again! Again! Again!".

The first time we played, she knew every single one except for 3- space ship, skunk, and skateboard. She struggles with hot dog. Sometimes she calls it a banana. She calls the pizza a "mess". I think that is so hysterical because it looks like a mess. She called the crayons "colors" at first but now she calls them crayons.

She is just amazing. I still say she should go to the gifted school! ( ) Some people have strongly disagreed with me, saying I will make her a "freak" but I think she deserves every possible opportunity. In addition, she needs to be challenged and stimulated. I floated through school, bored out of my mind. I never studied and passed everything. I don't ever want her to float along and seek diversion and stimulation so desperately like I did while I was in school. I think of all she could be and all that she could do with her life. It is exciting and wonderful. As her parent, I am going to do my very best to give her every opportunity I can possibly give her. What she does with it is up to her!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger SomeLikeItScott said...

Great blog - thanks for reading mine - I appreciate it. Kayla is adorable!! Laugh a lot today. SNR

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Thanks, Scott! My blog is no where near as entertaining as your's! When you called the lady at the BMV "Ms. Hobby", I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face!!!

Anyway, thanks for reading and for complimenting my little girl. :) She is truly amazing and as bad as I am for bragging so much about her, I can't help it!!!


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