Life in the Mom Lane...

I am just an oridinary average Mom living in Indiana with my amazing daughter, Kayla.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Night Sweats - Now She's Sick / Now She's Not

Kayla was crabby last night. She was ready to go to bed right after she finished eating. It wasn't even 8:00 p.m. yet! Still, she was grouchy and whiney and did not even want to play. I figured bed was probably a good choice for her. We went to bed and she tossed and turned and flipped and flopped. She was like a frog on a Texas highway. It was like being in bed with a jumping bean. After awhile, I noticed she was sweating. I put my hand on her skin and she was freezing cold. She was covered with sweat but freezing cold. Her disposition on top of her temperature made me nervous. I called my mom, my sister-in-law, my boyfriend, and also asked my niece. I wanted everyone's opinion because it was weird. I could not imagine what was going on or what was wrong. I ended up giving her tylenol. She calmed down but she was still wet and cold. My mom ended up coming over. She laid down with us. By then Kayla was deeply asleep. Mom uncovered her and left her so the rest of the night. The sweating stopped but she still seemed cold to me.

This morning Kayla seemed fine. Mom took her to her house because I did not want to send her to daycare... just in case the bizarre symptoms crop back up.

Every couple of days she seems to be sick and I never feel like I know what to do. I am always worried and always at a loss...

Thank God she is well today. I hope she stays healthy. I need a break from the stress.


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