Life in the Mom Lane...

I am just an oridinary average Mom living in Indiana with my amazing daughter, Kayla.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Teething and a Very Grouchy Girl

The past few days have been challenging for me as a mom. Kayla has been very grouchy, especially in the evenings. A friend told me that it is just the "terrible two's". That seemed possible. Kayla is only 16 months old but she is so far ahead on so many other things that it seemed very possible that she may already be in that stage.

Last night was especially hard. She was whinny and no matter what anyone said or did to her or for her, she was unhappy. That may seem like a typical toddler to you but I assure you, it is not typical for Kayla. She is a very happy child almost all the time. She is very smart and receptive to instruction, correction, and change. Well, it just got worse and worse and I was flustered. I did not know what I could or should do for her. She did not want to eat or drink. She would whine to be held but then wiggle away aggressively almost as soon as her butt hit my leg. My mom was there visiting us, thank goodness. She picked Kayla up and asked Kayla to let her check something. Mom ran her finger into Kayla's mouth and gasped out loud. She said, "Oh my gosh! She is teething! Her little gums must hurt so much! They are raised up all over!"

I immediately went and got her some tylenol. Within 30-45 minutes of taking the medicine, my sweet little girl was back with us. She ate her dinner, drank her milk, and laughed and played. The rest of the night was great.

I guess I am like a million other first time mommy's... I was clueless. Oh, well... Live and learn. I kick myself for not knowing SOMETHING was wrong!!! DUH!


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