Pretty Ballerina

Kayla was a ballerina for Halloween. She had a pink tutu, sparkly Princess shoes, and pink tights. She was so excited and happy. I took her to a dozen houses trick-or-treating... It was just enough for her to get to experience it but it was also about all she could handle. She was pretty tired when we were done.
She was in her glory in all that pink. She posed and danced. She loved every minute of it. I loved it too. It was everything I had always dreamed about dressing my child up and taking them out... minus the spouse to be there and help and support me / us. It would have been so nice to have a big, burly man with us to protect us and also to dote over my little princess.
Still, overall the night was wonderful.
One additional thing that merits mentioning...
Jim (Kayla's father / my ex-husband)came to visit her on October 30th. He bought her costume for her, as well as a winter coat and a few more items. He spent the day with us and he was just wonderful with her. They were both very happy together. They played at a park and also had dinner together at McDonald's. He hlped her on the swings and slide. He also helped her with her dinner. It was really heart-warming and encouraging considering he has been absent from her life for awhile.